Rest When Your Body Tells You

I placed a reminder on my phone to tell me to rest when my body needed it. It actually says “Rest when your body tells you to Love.” Interesting how I need this reminder (and permission from myself) to do this act, which many people may consider to be common sense!

I pose this question to you… Do you take rest when your body tells you? Or, is your tendency to push through, take a stimulant of choice and ignore signs from you physical or emotional body?

I know that my tendency is to push through, ignore the tired feelings and take a stimulant or two! I am in the learning phase though. I am learning that I do need to listen to my body. To recognize when tiredness (whether from a short term or extended physical exertion, or emotional exertion) is present AND do something about it! Where are you in this practice of rest when you need it?

Through my yoga practice, the awareness of taking rest has come more to the forefront. I recognize it more often. I am taking rest more often as a 10 minute nap, sitting quietly indoors or as a nature break. I am making positive steps to being more compassionate and accepting with myself. The practice of balance in my diet, in my physicality, spirituality and work life also affects the amount of rest required. I present a variety of yoga classes for balance and rest - both for clients and for myself.

Are you looking for a well rounded yoga practice? On a weekly basis, my online and in person classes incorporate strengthening through Power Flow Yoga, lengthening and stillness through Yin Yoga, meditative movement through Rest & Restore Yoga and physically supported yoga through Chair Yoga.

But for now, I am taking rest. A rest from teaching until the week of the 20th of September, 2022. At that time online and in person classes will resume! Will you join me in this practice of rest, balance, strengthening and lengthening? Whether you are starting a yoga practice or are seasoned yogi, I hope you will practice this practice!

“See you in September!”